Gosford Hill Medical Centre has been involved in training doctors since 2000. The whole team contribute to their training and these learners also play a significant role in supporting the services the practice provides.
Dr Wallace is an Oxford University undergraduate tutor and also a GP trainer.
Dr Wallard is a foundation year doctor clinical supervisor.
In addition to training doctors, we are also keen to support the development of our clinical staff.
Medical student teaching
Medical students from Oxford University spend time in the practice at different stages of their undergraduate course. Some of the teaching involves patients being specially invited into the practice to talk to students about their condition while other teaching may comprise the student observing different staff members doing their work or consulting with the patient on their own with a supervising GP in a normal appointment. Patients will always be informed if they are offered an appointment with a medical student.
Foundation Year (FY) doctor training
Once medical students have completed their degree and qualified as a doctor they will undertake a 2 year scheme called the foundation programme anywhere in the UK. In the 2nd year of this programme they may spend 4 months in general practice. It is these doctors that join our practice for this part of their programme. They are closely supervised at all times but will conduct consultations on their own. We take one or two FY doctors at any one time. Dr Wallard oversees their time in the practice.
GP training
At the conclusion of the foundation programme doctors may choose to pursue a career as a GP. They would then enter the GP training programme, known as the vocational training scheme (VTS). Gosford Hill Medical Centre is part of the Oxford VTS. This programme is 3 years long with 12 months spent in hospital posts and 24 months in general practice. The 2 years in general practice usually comprises two 6 month blocks spent in different practices in either the 1st or 2nd year and 12 months spent in the same practice in the 3rd year. These doctors will work independently but are again supervised at all times by the GPs in the practice. We usually take one trainee at any one time and they may be at any stage of their 3 year programme. Dr Wallace is responsible for their training in the practice.
Joint surgeries
Occasionally, the student or doctor in training will conduct a surgery with one of their supervisors. This is an opportunity for them to be closely observed and also for them to observe an experienced GP consulting. It is a very valuable form of learning and we hope that patients agree to having the 2 clinicians in the room.
Another teaching tool that is also employed from time to time is the recording of consultations in real time. This enables the individual both to watch back themselves and also to watch back with their supervisor. It provides unique insights into the way they consult, especially their communication skills. The recording of a consultation is always discussed with a patient in advance and written consent is sought before and at the conclusion of the consultation. Patients always have the right to refuse the recording. The care patients receive will be exactly the same whether they agree or decline to be recorded.