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Long term conditions

We are always striving to improve the quality of service we offer our patients and are aware that it can be difficult to attend a number of appointments. Therefore we would like to streamline your long term condition(s) care. This will provide a thorough and efficient check to ensure that all areas are covered by the healthcare assistant thus allowing more time should you require an appointment with your doctor. Please be assured that if any problems are identified at the review your GP will be notified.

Routinely, once a year you should have an appointment with our healthcare assistant. Ideally this appointment will be in your month of birth. Do not worry we will send out reminders to prompt you to book an appointment.

Please note for either Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) you will be invited to make an appointment with our specialist respiratory nurse.

All patients receiving regular prescriptions will have their medication reviewed by their registered GP or our pharmacist at least annually. Your GP will decide what is required and this may take the form of any of the following:

  • No appointment at all (in the case of simple creams and painkillers)
  • An appointment with the nurse or healthcare assistant for blood tests, blood pressure readings
  • A telephone appointment with the GP or pharmacist
  • A face to face appointment with the GP

Page published: 29 October 2024
Last updated: 29 October 2024