COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
A nurse-run clinic is held on Wednesday mornings; appointments are available by referral from your GP.
Make an appointment 01865 374242.Diabetic Clinic
The doctors see patients with diabetes during their normal surgery hours.
Make an appointment 01865 374242.Diabetes UK
As the UK’s leading diabetes charity, our mission is that by bringing people together to work in partnership, we will support those living with diabetes, prevent Type 2 diabetes, make research breakthroughs, and ultimately find a cure.
Website UK
We work to stop asthma attacks and, ultimately, cure asthma by funding world leading research and scientists, campaigning for change and supporting people with asthma to reduce their risk of a potentially life threatening asthma attack.
Website Asthma
Action Asthma is a site where people learn to take control of their asthma.
Website Heart Foundation
We are the nation’s heart charity and the largest independent funder of cardiovascular research.
Website Lung Foundation
We’re the only UK charity looking after the nation’s lungs. With your support, we’ll make sure that one day everyone breathes clean air with healthy lungs.
Website Cancer Relief
At Macmillan, we know how a cancer diagnosis can affect everything. So we’re here to support you and help you take back some control in your life. From help with money worries and advice about work, to someone who’ll listen if you just want to talk, we’re here.
Website Curie Cancer Care
We’re here for people living with any terminal illness, and their families. We offer expert care, guidance and support to help them get the most from the time they have left.
Website Osteoporosis Society
As the only UK-wide charity dedicated to ending the pain and suffering caused by osteoporosis we are here for anyone affected by the condition, providing help and support for people with osteoporosis now.
Website research UK
We are the world’s leading independent cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research, influence and information.
Cancer Research UK
Long term conditions
Page published: 30 October 2024
Last updated: 5 November 2024