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Eye health

  • Oxfordshire Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)

    The Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) provides assessment and treatment for people with recently occurring minor eye problems.

    Minor eye conditions that can be treated by the service include but are not limited to:

    -Red eye or eyelids
    -Dry, gritty, irritable, and uncomfortable eyes
    -Significant recent sticky or watery discharge from the eye
    -Recently occurring flashes and/or floaters
    -Painful eye including pain with bright lights
    -Ingrowing eyelashes
    -Recent and sudden change in vision
    -Foreign body in the eye
    -Unusual eye appearance (lumps and bumps)

    Please note this is not an eyesight test.

    You will not be eligible for a MECS appointment if you:

    -Do not have an Oxfordshire GP.
    -Are under the age of 6.
    -Have had the condition for longer than 6 weeks.
    -Wear contact lenses and believe the condition is related to your use of them (please contact your regular contact lens optician).

    Local opticians in Kidlington that provide this service-

    Cherwell Opticians 33 High Street, Kidlington, OX5 2DH 01865 842044
    Specsavers Unit 2B, High St, Kidlington, OX5 2DH 01865 509578

Page published: 30 October 2024
Last updated: 5 November 2024