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Our CQC rating is outstanding

We have great pleasure in announcing that from our recent meeting with a CQC inspector the practice has been rated as ‘Outstanding’ for Equity in Access. This does not affect our overall rating of Good which we achieved at the last CQC inspection in 2019.

We would like to thank all those that provided the CQC with feedback on our services. Please see report below.

Overall service commentary

Gosford Hill Medical Centre is a purpose built health facility with ground floor access to all consulting and treatment rooms. Over 7,000 patients are registered at the practice. There are 6 GPs working at the practice, 2 partners and 4 salaried. In addition, the nursing team comprises of 3 practice nurses and 3 health care assistants. GPs in training also work at the service. The clinical team are supported by a variety of administration and patient support staff.

This assessment of the ‘equity in access’ quality statement was undertaken in March 2024 as part of our work to understand how the practice was working to meet patient demand and to better understand the experiences of people who use services. This included an interview with the CQC registered manager and practice manager, reviewing information about the service and requesting evidence from the practice. We found patients experienced a high standard of access to services with a diversity of appointment types and diverse means of accessing services. There were support systems for people with additional or specific needs, such as disabled patients.

The results of our findings have led us to rate the quality statement as outstanding. The methodology used during this assessment did not involve a site visit. To gather patients’ feedback about their experiences we asked the practice to share details of our give feedback on care process on their website, contacted patient focus group members, reviewed the national GP survey results and practice friends and family test data. We found patients had highly positive experiences when accessing care, support and treatment and all reported they had received care in a timely manner.